Home > Dialog and Advocacy > Conference & Webinar > ILHAM TOHTI INSTITUTE VIDEO CONFERENCE: Commemorating the Sixth Anniversary of the verdict of Prof. Ilham Tohti for life imprisonment in China

Commemorating the Sixth Anniversary of the verdict of Prof. Ilham Tohti for life imprisonment in China

WEBINAR on 23 Sept 2020 15:00  Berlin time

A panel discussion with scholars, human rights activists and students of prof. Ilham Tohti. We will discuss the life, work, courage and bravery of Prof. Ilham Tohti in conjunction with the current crises in the Uyghur Land and shed light into the visionary proposals he made to establish peace and stability in the Region. We will also focus on the importance of the role of liberals such as Ilham Tohti against China’s current policy of genocide against Uyghurs.

Do you have you have any more suitable idea? If yes, they are welcome!

Join us via ZOOM: 
Webinar ID: 880 3142 2499

Ilham Tohti Institute

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